Pineview Minors All-Star Team recognized by West Columbia City Council

Pineview Minors All-Star Team – Kelli Ricard photo
West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton and West Columbia City Council recognized the Pineview Minors All-Star Team, at the West Columbia City Council Meeting, Tuesday.
The team was recognized for their accomplishments this season including placing third in the Dixie Youth World Series in in August in Rushton Louisiana. The team received a resolution presented by West Columbia Mayor Pro-Tem, Tem Miles, pictured.
The players range in ages from 9 to 11 years old; and had a winning record for their 2019 District and State Championship. The team had a 5-1 record for the District Championship that was played on June 20, in Gaston. The team had a 5-1 record for the State Championship that was played on July 18, in Anderson.
The Pineview Minors All-Star Team was coached by Andre Posey, Michael Marsh, and Travis Johnson. The Pineview Minors All-Star Team consisted of the following players: Caleb Brigman, Zaydan Browning, Daniel Butts, Kareem Dupree, Jr., Jack Fisher, Jayden Flemon, Peyton Hewitt, Kaleb Holmes, Tra’ Johnson, Jameson Nunnery, Bennett Plane, and Isaiah Posey.