Investigators identify boat drivers in crash that killed 2

The S.C. Department of Natural Resources identified the driver of the 32-foot Intrepid power boat that ran over the top of a 16-foot bass boat on Lake Murray, Friday night. The accident resulted in the deaths of Mark Daniel “Danny” Phillips, 37, of Columbia and Christopher Shawn Lanier, 28, of […]


Lexington County’s Recycle Day is Saturday

As part of Lexington County’s Green is Clean Month, residents will have the opportunity to recycle electronics, household hazardous waste, shred documents and donate slightly used shoes at the Recycle Day event scheduled for April 29, 2017 at White Knoll High School from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  This is […]


Brookland-Cayce High School athletes sign to play in college football

  Four members of Brookland-Cayce High School football team signed to play college football Friday. They are Phillip Anderson; Marquis McCoy; Sammy Lykes and Zion Carraway. Anderson is headed to Guilford; McCoy to Garden City Community College; Lykes to Greensboro College; and Carraway to Furman. Niece Brooklyn Allen is sitting […]


Investigators identify boat drivers in crash that killed 2

The S.C. Department of Natural Resources identified the driver of the 32-foot Intrepid power boat that ran over the top of a 16-foot bass boat on Lake Murray, Friday night. The accident resulted in the deaths of Mark Daniel “Danny” Phillips, 37, of Columbia and Christopher Shawn Lanier, 28, of […]


Gray Collegiate announces Principal’s List and A/B Honor Roll

Gray Collegiate Academy has announced its Third-Quarter Principal’s List and A/B Honor Roll – Click on lists to enlarge and read names.


Gray Collegiate announces Principal’s List and A/B Honor Roll

Gray Collegiate Academy has announced its Third-Quarter Principal’s List and A/B Honor Roll – Click on lists to enlarge and read names.


C-WC Lions conduct eye exams at Pine Ridge Middle School

The Cayce-West Columbia Lions Club conducted eye exams for students at Pine Ridge Middle School last week. The Lions are leaders in sight preservation. The C-WC Lions visit many Lexington 2 Schools, and other schools, each year to test students’ eyes. Pictured are Randy Hallman on left, Nurse Alicia Gibbs […]


Dee Dee Brogan comes home for Rhythm on the River show

The Dee Dee Brogan Band played to a large crowd at the CMC Steel Rhythm on the River Concert Series in West Columbia, Saturday. It was a homecoming of sorts for Brogan. She is a West Columbia native, who graduated from Brookland-Cayce High School and Columbia College. Brogan now lives […]


C-WC Lions conduct eye exams at Pine Ridge Middle School

The Cayce-West Columbia Lions Club conducted eye exams for students at Pine Ridge Middle School last week. The Lions are leaders in sight preservation. The C-WC Lions visit many Lexington 2 Schools, and other schools, each year to test students’ eyes. Pictured are Randy Hallman on left, Nurse Alicia Gibbs […]


Dee Dee Brogan comes home for Rhythm on the River show

The Dee Dee Brogan Band played to a large crowd at the CMC Steel Rhythm on the River Concert Series in West Columbia, Saturday. It was a homecoming of sorts for Brogan. She is a West Columbia native, who graduated from Brookland-Cayce High School and Columbia College. Brogan now lives […]