Town of Pine Ridge 60th Anniversary celebration is Oct. 13

Come out and Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Town of Pine Ridge. The celebration is from 10 am until 7 p.m. on Oct. 13. It includes Free Rides, Craft and Food Vendors at the Midland Girls Softball Complex  at 2768 Fish Hatchery Road. There will be special guests and entertainment […]


Brookland-Cayce “Class of 1931” box to be opened Oct. 11

  By Dawn Kujawa – Lexington School District Two It has the makings of a great mystery novel. Crews working this summer to renovate the exterior of the Brookland-Cayce High School auditorium removed a brick engraved with “Class of 1931.” Tucked away behind that brick was a medium-sized slightly rectangular […]


Town of Pine Ridge 60th Anniversary celebration is Oct. 13

Come out and Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Town of Pine Ridge. The celebration is from 10 am until 7 p.m. on Oct. 13. It includes Free Rides, Craft and Food Vendors at the Midland Girls Softball Complex  at 2768 Fish Hatchery Road. There will be special guests and entertainment […]


Brookland-Cayce “Class of 1931” box to be opened Oct. 11

  By Dawn Kujawa – Lexington School District Two It has the makings of a great mystery novel. Crews working this summer to renovate the exterior of the Brookland-Cayce High School auditorium removed a brick engraved with “Class of 1931.” Tucked away behind that brick was a medium-sized slightly rectangular […]


Pine Ridge appoints Officer Frankie L. Neeley as Interim Police Chief

The Town of Pine Ridge has announced that Officer Frankie L. Neeley has been appointed Interim Police Chief of the Pine Ridge Police Department. Officer Neeley is a Military Veteran who has served in United States Marine Corps and the United States Army for approximately 27 years. He has over […]


Cayce-West Columbia Chamber introduces two members

Two new members of the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber were introduced last week at the Chamber’s September Breakfast. The new members are: Ashley Bonte  of AR Workshop and Tina Floyd of The Crafty Cottage and The River District Association. They are pictured with Suzanne Riley-Whyte of the Chanber and Matrix […]


Tokyo Joe playing Rhythm on the River at 6 p.m. Friday – Food Truck is Scott Benny’s

It’s another  big weekend of the Rhythm on the River fall concert series. Bring a blanket, chair or take a seat at the amphitheater. Enjoy music with friends and family. Tokyo Joe is the band from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. this Friday (October 5) at the Wyman “Mac” Rish Riverwalk […]


67-year-old Lexington County man sentenced for methamphetamine trafficking

Thomas Sutton Ray, a 67-year-old Chapin man, was sentenced this week in Lexington County General Sessions Court to eight years for two counts of Trafficking Methamphetamine, Possession of a Weapon during the Commission of a Violent Crime, and Criminal Conspiracy. The sentence was handed down by Circuit Court Judge Eugene […]


Pine Ridge appoints Officer Frankie L. Neeley as Interim Police Chief

The Town of Pine Ridge has announced that Officer Frankie L. Neeley has been appointed Interim Police Chief of the Pine Ridge Police Department. Officer Neeley is a Military Veteran who has served in United States Marine Corps and the United States Army for approximately 27 years. He has over […]


Cayce-West Columbia Chamber introduces two members

Two new members of the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber were introduced last week at the Chamber’s September Breakfast. The new members are: Ashley Bonte  of AR Workshop and Tina Floyd of The Crafty Cottage and The River District Association. They are pictured with Suzanne Riley-Whyte of the Chanber and Matrix […]