Active shooter defense the topic at C-WC Chamber Breakfast, Tuesday

What would you do in an active shooter situation at your business? That was the question Capt. Hampton Taylor of the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department wants to help answer. He spoke at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast, Tuesday. It was held at Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church, West Columbia. “It’s […]


Springdale’s Annual Christmas Tree Lighting is Monday (Dec. 3)

Springdale’s Annual Christmas Tree Lighting is from 6 ’til 8 p.m. on Monday, December 3, 2018 from 6 p.m – 8 p.m. It’s at the Springdale Town Hall on paltt Springs Road.


New Town Limit signs coming to Springdale

Springdale has a new Town Limit sign on Wattling Road. Springdale Mayor Michael Bishop said town officials will be looking for new places to put future signs. The size of some signs may vary depending on the location. The Springdale Town Limits signs are bought with Accommodations Tax dollars that […]


West Columbia’s 14th Annual Tree Lighting is Dec. 7

The City of West Columbia is hosting the 14th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting 6:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 7, at West Columbia City Hall, 200 N. 12th Street, West Columbia. Each year, West Columbia area elementary schools hold a “What Christmas Means To Me” contest. The essay winners from each school […]


Agreement reached to allow for Wilton Road Dam repairs, according to Rep. Micah Caskey email

Springdale Mayor Michael Bishop said in an email Sunday that an agreement has been reached that will allow to the repair of Wilton Road. Bishop said he got the email from S.C. House Rep. Micah Caskey. Below is a copy of the email Bishop sent. Message from House of Rep. […]


Active shooter training is topic at C-WC Chamber Breakfast, Tuesday

The Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast Meeting is Tuesday beginning 7:30 a.m. It’s at Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church, 1000 B Ave, West Columbia. FEATURED SPEAKER IS CAPTAIN HAMPTON TAYLOR of the LEXINGTON SHERIFF DEPARTMENT He will discuss “ACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING FOR BUSINESSES” In the wake of the recent tragedies involving […]


West Columbia’s Interactive Art Park groundbreaking is Tuesday

The City of West Columbia invites you to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for . Scheduled to open in April of 2019, the park will be a beautiful blend of interactive art, landscaping, and convenient parking. Please join us. Event Date: Tuesday, November 27 Time: 4 p.m. Location: 435 Meeting Street, […]


Lexington Two Teachers of the Year honored at reception

Lexington Two’s top teachers were recognized at a reception in their honor last week. The 2018-19 Lexington Two Teachers of the Year include an educator who’s been with the district 25 years, and one who arrived just last year. In comments to family, friends, fellow educators and community members gathered […]


West Columbia businesses ready for Black Friday, Christmas shopping season

As Thanksgiving day fades into evening, all thoughts turn to Black Friday. In West Columbia retailers look forward to Christmas shoppers to boost their bottom line. And shoppers are eager to oblige. “My Black Friday sales already started earlier this week,” said Lainie Lewis, owner of State Street Trading Company […]


Coroner identifies pedestrian killed while crossing road, 4th recent fatality

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher identified a man who was killed after being struck by a vehicle Tuesday at approximately 4:45 p.m. The accident occurred in the 2800 block of Augusta Highway US 1) in Lexington. Four people have been killed  on Lexington County roads since last Thursday.  A 22-year-old […]