East Point Academy students celebrate Chinese New Year

East Point Academy students from kindergarten to middle school celebrated the Chinese New Year, Friday. In China, it is the Year of the Pig The event included a parade and an assembly. Student dancers, performers and activity groups marched in front of Eat Point’s elementary building on Chris Drive in […]


West Columbia’s Rebecca “Fannie” Dawkins celebrated her 102nd birthday, Sunday

The birthday of Rebecca “Fannie” Dawkins of West Columbia is Feb. 7. She will be 102. She is the eldest resident of the City of West Columbia. On Sunday, members of Turner AME Church, where she has been a member for 85 years, celebrated the occasion. “It’s been a fine birthday,” […]


What is required to become a West Columbia Police Officer?

Finding the highest-quality officers for the West Columbia Police department takes an effort. “We advertise on Facebook, Linked-in, and INDEED.com for recruits,” said WCPD Assistant Police Chief Scott Morrison. “A vast majority of the search nowadays involves  online advertising.” The WCPD also looks for applicants at career fairs at venues […]


SCE&G-Dominion Energy begins refilling Lake Murray this week

SCE&G, a subsidiary of Dominion Energy, will begin refilling Lake Murray as the scheduled drawdown period ends. Starting Friday, Feb. 1, the lake level will slowly rise and is expected to return to its normal elevation of 358 feet by spring. “With the amount of rainfall we had over the […]


Cayce – West Columbia Chamber celebrates “Knox Abbott Drive Week” until Saturday

The Greater Cayce – West Columbia Chamber of Commerce proudly recognizes this week until Saturday 2nd as “Knox Abbott Drive Week”. The Chamber is appreciative to the City of Cayce for the improvements being implemented on Knox Abbott Drive. When finished, Knox Abbott Drive will be a premier gateway through […]


Units respond to crash at Sunset Boulevard and Mineral Springs Road

Emergency responders are on the scene of an accident in Lexington Wednesday morning. There was  a collision at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Mineral Springs Road. A portion of Mineral Springs Road was temporarily closed. Officers worked diligently to clear the road, and  cleared the area before noon. Lexington […]


Lexington 2 Teacher Recruitment Fair is Saturday

Lexington School District Two’s annual Teacher Recruitment Fair is Saturday, February 2, 2019, from 9 am until noon at Cayce Elementary. The district will offer a $2,500 signing bonus to teachers in select critical subject areas, such as secondary math and science, special education, foreign language, and middle level all areas. […]


Southern Visions Real Estate brokers land sale to Lexington County for new fire and EMS facility

Southern Visions Real Estate brokers land sale to Lexington County. Southern Visions Real Estate sales associate Rhett Kelly recently closed the sale of 3.5 acres located at 1447 North Lake Drive in Lexington. The land was purchased by Lexington County and will be the location of a regional fire and […]


Congaree National Park reopened

The staff at Congaree National Park resumed regular operations after being off for a government shutdown. Please visit Congaree National Park for updated information about the park. “Congaree National Park’s employees are happy to be back at work, serving the American people and welcoming visitors to their national parks,” according […]


Gov. Henry McMaster says plan links money for schools to economic development

Will a novel approach to help fund South Carolina’s poorest school districts work? In his State of the State address last week, Gov. Henry McMaster promoted a state-backed economic development commitment to bring jobs to the state’s poorer school districts. The plan is to by provide funding for infrastructure, including […]