Fatal crash in Lexington County results in reckless homicide charge

One person was killed in a two-vehicle collision in the 4200 block of US 321 near Garners Terrace, Gaston, in Lexington County Saturday. The incident occurred at 7:03 p.m., according to Lance Cpl. Matt Southern of the S.C. Highway Patrol.A 1999 Ford Expedition was traveling south on US 321 when […]


Relief from the heat expected later this week

Do you think it’s been hot this September? The forecast is for some lower temperatures later this week. Highs will be in the 90s, with lows in the 70s, that’s above normal, Monday and Tuesday, according to the National Weather Service in Columbia. But highs will drop to the lower […]


Fatal crash in Lexington County results in reckless homicide charge

One person was killed in a two-vehicle collision in the 4200 block of US 321 near Garners Terrace, Gaston, in Lexington County Saturday. The incident occurred at 7:03 p.m., according to Lance Cpl. Matt Southern of the S.C. Highway Patrol.A 1999 Ford Expedition was traveling south on US 321 when […]


West Columbia water is safe, but may smell different

Lake Murray is currently experiencing turnover, a naturally occurring event, which contributes to an increase in natural organic matter. This summer, the region has experienced periods of heavy rain followed by long dry periods with high temperatures. As a result, the water treatment facilities that draw from Lake Murray have […]


River District Association’s Monthly Breakfast Meeting is Wednesday at Blue Moon

The River District’s Monthly Breakfast Meeting for the River District Association is Wednesday (Sept. 18) at the Blue Moon Ballroom, 554 Meeting Street, West Columbia. It’s a Membership meeting. Join and see what the River District is all about. You will be shown how to join the growing the River […]


West Columbia’s Meeting Street Artisan Market Grand Opening is 9 a.m. Saturday

The City of West Columbia is holding a Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening for the City of West Columbia’s Meeting Street Artisan Market on Saturday, Sept. 14 – at 9 a.m. The market will be open until 1 p.m.


West Columbia water is safe, but may smell different

Lake Murray is currently experiencing turnover, a naturally occurring event, which contributes to an increase in natural organic matter. This summer, the region has experienced periods of heavy rain followed by long dry periods with high temperatures. As a result, the water treatment facilities that draw from Lake Murray have […]


River District Association’s Monthly Breakfast Meeting is Wednesday at Blue Moon

The River District’s Monthly Breakfast Meeting for the River District Association is Wednesday (Sept. 18) at the Blue Moon Ballroom, 554 Meeting Street, West Columbia. It’s a Membership meeting. Join and see what the River District is all about. You will be shown how to join the growing the River […]


West Columbia’s Meeting Street Artisan Market Grand Opening is 9 a.m. Saturday

The City of West Columbia is holding a Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening for the City of West Columbia’s Meeting Street Artisan Market on Saturday, Sept. 14 – at 9 a.m. The market will be open until 1 p.m.


Longs Pond Road exits on I-20 to close for parts of Thursday, Friday and Saturday

The SCDOT will close the I-20 Longs Pond Road exits beginning Thursday for ramp paving. Interstate-20, Exit 51 Westbound will close Thursday (Sept. 12) from 11:30 pm until 4 am Friday (Sept. 13 .) Motorists wishing to use the westbound on-ramp should proceed along the detour route of Two Notch […]