City of West Columbia releases Sept-Oct Newsletter

The City of West Columbia has released its newsletter for September-October 2019. It is the third newsletter the city has produced since June. The newsletter updates West Columbia residents about all the happenings in the city with messages from Mayor Bobby Horton, and the city’s eight council members.The newsletter is […]


Chapin woman charged with arson, burning land

A Chapin woman is accused of intentionally setting two fires on the same Lexington County road last week. Kimberly Carothers Wooten, 55, is charged with second-degree arson and willfully burning lands of another, according to arrest warrants. “Based on information gathered during our investigation, Wooten set fire to a trash […]


Museum of Oz at the S.C. State Museum beginning Saturday

Museum of Oz Sept. 28 – Nov. 3, 2019 Get ready for a month-long Halloween adventure as the South Carolina State Museum becomes the Museum of Oz! Travel to Oz with daily showings of, The Wizard of Oz 4-D Experience™, enjoy special OZ themed events all month long and adventure through the “Magical Maze […]


Cayce Elementary holds Thank A Police Officer Day

Cayce Elementary students had a special surprise Friday for police officers and firefighters. Students with the school’s Service Club hand-colored about 100 bags and stuffed them with goodies as part of National Thank A Police Officer Day, which is Saturday, Sept. 21. Roughly 20 members of the Cayce Department of […]


Lexington Two school employees recognized for service

Nearly 50 longtime employees of Lexington Two were recognized for their service this week. Awards were presented for 10, 20  and 30 years of service in Lexington Two during a reception before Thursday’s monthly Board of Trustees meeting. Among the recipients, their schools and years of service: 10-year awards: Annette […]


Man charged with BUI after fatal crash on Lake Murray

A man has been charged with felony Boating Under the Influence after a 68-year-old man was killed on Lake Murray, Saturday night. Two others were also injured and were taken to the hospital as a result of the collision. Tracy Gordon, 53, is charged with three counts of felony BUI after […]


Reminder: West Columbia’s Meeting Street Artisan Market is open

The City of West Columbia’s Meeting Street Artisan Market is open every Saturday, from 9 AM – 1 PM, through November 23, under the pavilion, at 425 Meeting Street, West Columbia, in the Interactive Art Park. The market includes vendors selling original art, crafts, foods, and produce. The City of […]


West Columbia’s Enabling Park moves closer toward completion

It will not be long before West Columbia’s new Enabling Park, for people of all abilities, will be complete. The park is on Hudson Street, adjacent to the West Columbia Riverwalk. “The parking lot has been paved and striped,” said West Columbia City Councilman and Mayor Pro-Tem, Tem Miles. “The […]


John Hardee Expressway at airport renamed “Columbia Airport Expressway”

The S.C, Department of Transportation Commission  re-named the portion of Road S-378 in Lexington County between Platt Springs Road (SC 602) and Airport Boulevard (SC 302) as the “Columbia Airport Expressway” It was named the “John Hardee Expressway.” In August, Hardee, 72, was booked into Richland County’s Alvin S Glenn […]


New River District Association holds meeting, seeks members

The River District Association held its Monthly Breakfast Meeting Wednesday, at the Blue Moon Ballroom, 554 Meeting Street, West Columbia. Makaela Randolph, a business consultant for the State Farm Insurance Co. was the guest and spoke about protecting a business from natural disasters, like hurricanes. The River District Association will […]