Cayce 12,000 Year History Park Visitors Center receives $2.1 million donation from the Darnall W. and Susan F. Boyd Foundation

The City of Cayce announced, Tuesday, that it has received a donation of $2.1 million from the Darnall W. and Susan F. Boyd Foundation. The money will go to build a visitors center at the 12,000 Year History Park. Cayce Mayor Elise Partin stated, “It has been an honor to […]


Lexington County Quilts of Valor presents quilts to veterans at All Saints Episcopal Church in Cayce on Veterans Day

Lexington County Quilts of Valor, a group that meets at Creative Sewing Machine Center in West Columbia, presented quilts to four veterans at All Saints Episcopal Church in Cayce on Veterans Day. Denise Derriso; Haskell Langford; James Stewart and James Judy received quilts from Gail Sullivan of the Lexington County […]


Band from Fort Jackson performs for veterans at the Lexington Two Schools Performing Arts Center on Veterans Day

The 282D Army Band Mission Essential band from Fort Jackson performed a free Veterans Day concert, Monday in honor of veterans. Several veterans attended. The Color Guard was made up of Brookland-Cayce High School ROTC members and Airport High School students sang the National Anthem. The Concert was held at […]


Two winners split the $10,000 prize of the West Columbia Beautification Foundation’s Raffle – 250 tickets sold for $100 each

The West Columbia Beautification Foundation hosted its first-ever 50/50 Reverse Raffle, last Wednesday, to raise funds to enhance and beautify the City of West Columbia. The drawing was held at Savage Craft Ale Works and hosted by West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles, WCBF Chairwoman Kathy Whetzel, and Cayce-West Columbia Chamber […]


SCDOT to permanently close I-26 Westbound Off-Ramp to Bush River Road 

The South Carolina Department of Transportation will permanently close the westbound I-26 off-ramp to Bush River Road at 9 p.m. on Sunday, November 10. Access to Bush River Road from westbound I-26 will be via the expanded Colonial Life Boulevard and I-126 Interchange.   This is the third and final step to […]


Lexington County Coroner identifies man who died in motorcycle crash new West Columbia

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who died due to a single motorcycle accident on U.S. 21 near I-26 in the West Columbia area of Lexington County at approximately 8:50 P.M. on Saturday According to Fisher, Mr. Philip James Bugger, 49, of Gaston was traveling northbound on […]


Teen goes from homeless to US Marine with the help of a Lexington County deputy who arrested him

(From  Capt. Adam Myrick – Lexington County Sheriff’s Department) A life-changing opportunity for a homeless teen in South Carolina started with a shoplifting call to the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy John Sanders was dispatched to the call at a grocery store. The teen was charged with stealing food from […]


WECO “Love Local” Business Tour – Ronnie’s Jewelers, Creative Sewing Machine Center love to be a part of West Columbia’s Triangle City, in the shadow of Zesto

The Greater CWC Chamber of Commerce has partnered with West Metro News and the City of West Columbia to promote businesses that attract visitors to our community, and visitor/tourism opportunities. Triangle City in West Columbia is the home of two of the most-successful businesses in West Columbia. Ronnie Jeffcoat of […]


Lexington Police work crashes on Augusta Road

The Lexington Police Department is reporting two collisions on Augusta Road (5200 block) Thursday around 6 p.m. One inbound lane and one outbound lane were blocked. Police asked drivers to please pay attention to the road and be respectful to other drivers as you make your way to your destination.Use […]


Free Movie Night – The Aviators- at Mt. Hebron UMC Church on Friday at 6 p.m. – A Pineview Ruritans Presentation

The Pineview Ruritan Club will present The Aviators at 6 p.m. on Friday (Nov. 8) at Mt. Hebron UMC Church at 3050 Leaphart Road, West Columbia. It’s Free Movie Night sponsored by All-American Heating and Air. There will also be free hot dogs and other refreshments.