Noise from I-26 spurs West Columbia residents to contact SCDOT seeking relief
Some residents in the Westover Acres neighborhood of West Columbia don’t like the level of construction noise that is part of the Carolina Crossroads project taking place on I-26.
The neighborhoods are right beside I-26 and the noise includes heavy equipment, drilling, car horns, sirens, traffic and other noise. The worst parts of the day are early morning and rush hour, later in the day.
The noise got worse after SCDOT cut down the trees along McSwain Drive.
Recently signs were placed at intersections in the neighborhood urging residents to call SCDOT and asked that more be done to curb the noise.
Residents have contacted SCDOT with emails, phone calls, and text messages Noise wall barriers are going up, but residents believe more walls will be needed. West Columbia City Councilman Jimmy Brooks and West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles have gotten involved to help seek a solution. Trees and additional landscaping may also help, according to SCDOT.