New Karate Dojo on Sunset Boulevard is a testament to Sensei Brian Pena’s success
Sensei Brian Pena has been involved in the martial arts for almost 40 years. His new Karate Dojo is scheduled for a Jan. 2, Grand Opening and Pena is pleased with where he is.
“I have been blessed to be a part of this community,” Pena said. He also said the construction of the new Karate Dojo is a dream come true.
The Karate Dojo teaches the martial arts to students, beginning at age four. Busses from the Dojo pick up from 18 schools in the Lexington One and the Lexington Two school districts. In addition to martial arts training, Dojo students do their homework while there. It all fits in with Sensei Pena’s approach. “Patience, discipline and humility; that’s our code,” Pena said.
Not only does Pena teach his code to countless students, his daughters, Laney and Gabby are in the Dojo program too. He met his wife Allison, when she became a student of his. Applying the code has led to growth.
Plans are for the Dojo, that is now housed in a 9,500 sq-ft. space in Sunset Court, to move to a new 16,000 sq-ft. facility next door, across from the Food Lion on Sunset Boulevard. The move is not only physical, but it’s a testament to Pena’s successful career. “The Dojo has been around for 21 years. We’ve been at our current location for 10 years,” said Pena. “We just outgrew it.”
The new two-story building has multiple observation windows, exercise equipment for parents to use while watching their kids train, homework rooms, a Loveland Coffee coffee bar and several new office spaces. There is a platform for outside training and a time capsule on the property, too.
The Dojo is a member of the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce and Chamber President and CEO Tim James has been a longtime friend of Pena’s. “He’s the best,” Pena said.
Because of Pena’s immense respect for law enforcement, the lobby of the new space will display patches from many police and sheriff departments. In addition to honoring law enforcement, a 10-ton stone mined from the property will exhibit the names of the Dojo’s best over the years, and all the Black Belt names will be engraved on the stone, too.

Pena loves coffee Granite in front of the new Dojo Time capsule Patience, discipline, humility – The code