Nephron CEO Lou Kennedy featured on Columbia Business Monthly cover

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Lou Kennedy, President, CEO and Owner of Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corp. is featured on the cover of the Columbia Business Monthly magazine. The magazine is honoring the region’s 50 most influential people, based on staff research and community nominations. Nephron is just outside of Cayce and has a West Columbia address. It’s one of Lexington County’s largest employers.
What Columbia Business Monthly said about Kennedy:
Lou Kennedy is president, chief executive officer and owner of Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation. Kennedy joined Nephron Pharmaceuticals in 2001, and accepted the position of president and chief executive officer in September 2007.
Along with her husband Bill, Kennedy helped establish the Kennedy Pharmacy Innovation Center in conjunction with the University of South Carolina School of Pharmacy.
She serves on a variety of business and civic boards. A graduate of the UofSC’s College of Journalism with a bachelor of arts degree, Kennedy never shies from the opportunity to cheer on the Gamecocks!