Need to de-clutter – Recycling Drop-off Event for Lexington, Richland counties, Oct. 3
Lexington and Richland County residents are encouraged to recycle electronics, hazardous waste, scrap metal, tires, cooking oil, to have paper documents shredded on site free of charge and to bring household goods to be reused by Goodwill Industries on Saturday, October 3, from 8 a.m. until 12 noon at Irmo High School, located at 6671 St. Andrews Rd. Columbia.
This event is being co-hosted by Richland County’s Division of Solid Waste and Recycling and the County of Lexington’s Solid Waste Management department with assistance from the City of Columbia, Keep the Midlands Beautiful, the Town of Irmo, and Irmo High School.
Cooking Oil – No limits. Cannot be contaminated with soap, water, etc.
Tires – Limit of 8 tires per household. Small car and truck tires, wheelbarrow, ATV and bicycle tires will be accepted. Rims do NOT need to be removed.
Scrap Metal – Appliances, bicycles, metal shelving and chairs, lawn mowers (free of fluids) and other items made mostly of metal. NO refrigerators, freezers, AC units or other items with Freon.
Household Goods – Goodwill Industries will be onsite to collect gently used furniture, household decorations, clothing and other materials to be reused.
Paper Shredding – Limit of 5 boxes or paper bags per household. Shredding is performed immediately on site. Paper clips and staples are acceptable. Please do not use plastic bags.
Hazardous Waste – Limit of 8 gallons of liquid paint per household. Bug spray, fertilizers, fire extinguishers, lighter fluid, paint and paint related products, pool chemicals, mercury, and other products with the words caution, danger, explosive, flammable, or poison on the label. No explosives, asbestos, smoke detectors, or medical items.
Electronics (E-Waste) – Limit of 8 items per household. Computer components and small items will be bundled to count as one item. Electronics accepted include computers, monitors, printers, copiers, scanners, televisions, cell phones, VCR and DVD players, fax machines, stereo equipment, gaming systems, household batteries and other household electronics. Appliances are NOT accepted. Electronics are also accepted at no charge at Lexington and Richland County’s C&D Landfills.
Material generated by businesses, including non-profit organizations, rental properties, schools, and churches, is NOT accepted at drop-off events.
For more information and future recycling event dates, please visit the Lexington County Solid Waste Management website at https://lex-co.sc.gov/departments/solid-waste-management or contact us at (803) 755-3325.