Museum of Oz at the S.C. State Museum beginning Saturday

Museum of Oz
Sept. 28 – Nov. 3, 2019
Get ready for a month-long Halloween adventure as the South Carolina State Museum becomes the Museum of Oz!
Travel to Oz with daily showings of, The Wizard of Oz 4-D Experience™, enjoy special OZ themed events all month long and adventure through the “Magical Maze of Oz” as you follow the Yellow Brick Road from a Kansas farm all the way to the Emerald City.
Activities are included with museum general admission. Planetarium and 4D shows require an additional charge.
Museum of Oz Fun Includes:
Special Shows

The Wizard of Oz 4-D Experience™
Returns Sept. 28
Newly restored in digital 3-D with added special effects, be swept along with Dorothy™ as a powerful tornado transports you on an unforgettable adventure. Run time: 16 mins.Showtimes and Tickets
THE WIZARD OF OZ and all related characters and elements © & ™
Turner Entertainment Co. (s19)

Skies Over Oz
Returns Sept. 28
Enjoy tales of epic adventure in Oz told as a constellation myth, using imagined patterns of stars in the night sky. We’ll also take a quick look at the current night sky from here at home in Columbia. Run time: 30 mins.Showtimes and Tickets
Special Events

Member Morning in Oz
Sept. 28, from 8 – 10 a.m.
Members are invited to enjoy exclusive time exploring the Museum of Oz, meeting Dorothy and friends and seeing The Wizard of Oz 4-D Experience. Click HERE for more info.
Saturdays in Oz
Sept. 28, Oct. 5, 12, 19 and 26 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
See The Wizard of Oz 4-D Experience™, meet the characters from the movie, enjoy crafts and games, get a souvenir photo in the Land Of OZ™ and more! Click HERE for more info.
Tuesdays in Oz
Oct. 1, 8, 15 and 29
The museum is open late on Tuesday nights! Enjoy planetarium shows Skies Over Oz and HalloScream Laser Lights, Ghost Tours, night-sky observing and more.Click HERE for more info.
Overnight in Oz
Fri., Oct. 11 – Sat., Oct. 12
Spend the night and explore the Museum of Oz after-hours! Enjoy special activities, exclusive 4-D showings and more. Click HERE for more info.
Member Oz Meet – n- Greet
Sat., Oct. 12 and 19 from 9 – 10 a.m.
Members are invited to enjoy exclusive time to meet Dorothy and friends in the Magical Maze of Oz and see The Wizard of Oz 4-D Experience.
Growl at the Moon
Friday, October 25 from 7 – 10 p.m.
Enjoy a terrifying tour of the museum’s haunted galleries, a spooky virtual reality experience, live music, food, craft beer and more. Click HERE for more info.