Murder arrest made, 2 others in custody in connection to Lexington County homicide

Brandon Lee Pham, Pamela Shae Norris and Ashley Dawn Spencer have been arrested in connection to the homicide case of Austin Chandler, 26 of Lexington County.
Details of the case were posted Thursday on the State Law Enforcement Division’s website. The suspects were in the Lexington County Detention Center, Thursday.
Pham, 32, is charged with murder and possession of a weapon during a violent crime, according to the SLED warrant.
Norris, 34, and Spencer, 33, have been charged with accessory after the fact to murder and interference, hindering officers serving a warrant or rescuing prisoners.
Chandler was a relative of an employee of the sheriff’s department and Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon turned the investigation of the shooting over to SLED for that reason. The family member of Chandler’s has not been identified.
Pham shot Chandler multiple times at Chandler’s home on Glasgo Lane, according to the SLED report. Chandler was pronounced dead at the scene. The incident happened on Monday about 8:20 p.m.
According to the warrant in the case, posted on SLED’s website, Pham started a fight with Chandler at the house on Glasco Lane. After Chandler was shot several times by Pham, Pham fled, according to the warrant.
Norris was at the scene of the shooting and spent Tuesday night with Pham when she was aware he was wanted for the homicide, according to a SLED warrant. Spencer gave Pham a ride two days after the shooting, a warrant states.