Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church Bar-B-Que is back Saturday, Oct. 8, after 2-years of no BBQ
The men of Mt. Hebron UMC decided to hold a barbecue in 1971. The first BBQ was a fundraiser to generate money for the church building fund. It was held at the Pineview Ruritan Hut. Only 10 pigs, or about 1300 lbs. of BBQ were cooked. The meat was transported to the church for sale. The annual BBQ has evolved into a community event on the Mt. Hebron UMC campus. The BBQ proceeds are now primarily used for local and state mission projects. Since that first year over $465,000 has been raised. During the past 49 years over 180,000 lbs. of pork and over 15,000 chickens have been barbecued. There was no annual BBQ in 2020 or 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Carryout 8:00 a.m. until Sold Out, Buffet opens at 11:00 a.m.

Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church Family Life Center
3050 Leaphart Road
West Columbia, SC 29169
On US 1 turn right on Leaphart Road at Walgreens, travel 1.9 miles
On US 378 from Columbia turn left on Hebron Drive 0.7 miles past I-26, travel 0.6 miles
On US 378 from Lexington turn right on Leaphart Road 0.5 miles past I-20, travel 1.1 miles
Menu and Prices
Traditional Lexington County Mustard Base BBQ Pork and Chicken
Adult Buffet – $12.00
Adult Pork or Chicken Carryout Plate – $11.00
Child Pork or Chicken Carryout Plate or Buffet – $7.00
Pork (lb.) – $11.00 Hash (Pint) – $6.00 ½ Chicken – $6.00
Slaw (Pint) – $3.00 Rice (Pint) – $2.00 Ribs (Rack) – $18.00
Several weeks before the barbecue, preparations are begun. Firewood is split by the men of the church. The barbecue pit is built at the church each year and the wood is stacked in the pit in preparation for the barbecue. Early on the Friday morning before the barbecue the wood is lit and later in the morning around 3700 lbs. of hams will be placed on the open pit for cooking all night. Chickens and racks of baby back ribs will also be barbecued. In addition, 175 lbs. of rice will be cooked, 300 lbs. of slaw will be prepared, 160 gallons of mustard based sauce will be mixed, and over 125 gallons of hash will be cooked. The Mt. Hebron UMM hash is exceptional and contains only ham, beef chuck, and the special Mt. Hebron mustard-based sauce.
In 2019 0ver 850 BBQ plates were prepared and served. In addition over 1150 lbs. of chopped pork BBQ, over 1100 pints of hash, and 350 chicken halves were sold in about 6 hours. During 2019 about 640 customers were served. Each year the Mt. Hebron UMM allocate the BBQ proceeds to various mission projects. The allocations from the 2019 BBQ proceeds of over $23,000 included United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, Salkehatchie Summer Service, Boy Scouts, take-home snack packs for needy elementary school students, and numerous other missions projects.