Mt. Hebron UMC Annual BBQ is Saturday

A tradition that is nearly half-a-century old will continue Saturday.
The United Methodist Men of Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church will hold its 49th Annual Bar-B-Que. The United Methodist Women will conduct a bake sale, too.
Pork, chicken and ribs are all included, said ID Hook, who has overseen the Bar-B-Que for years.
Carry-out orders will be available in the church’s fellowship hall, beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday. Customers can buy BBQ – pork, chicken and ribs- by the pound.
A buffet will start in the fellowship hall at 11 a.m.
In addition to BBQ. rice, hash and green beans will be served said Hook.
The bake sale includes cakes, pies, cookies and brownies.
Hook said the proceeds from the BBQ will go to outreach missions that will be conducted in the local community.