Motorcycle crash in Red Bank results in a fatality, according to the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department

A motorcycle driver is dead after the motorcycle crashed into a car on South Lake Drive in the Red Bank area of Lexington County, Tuesday afternoon.

“Based on information from the scene, the motorcycle driver was driving recklessly when a deputy saw them and began the process to pull them over,” Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon said. “The deputy was trying to catch up with the motorcycle when the driver continued through the intersection at South Lake and Knoll Station Drive and collided with another car.”

The deputy reported the crash to the Lexington County 911 Communications Center and responded to the collision, according to the South Carolina Highway Patrol which is leading the investigation into the crash.

There were delays and lane closures throughout Red Bank as troopers conducted their investigation,” Koon said.

Anyone who witnessed the crash should contact the Highway Patrol at *HP (*47).

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