More business near Starbuck’s, Salsarita’s Sunset – I-26 location?

Is there a new business coming to the Sunset Boulevard-I-26 Corridor in West Columbia?
A vacant building that once housed a Quincey’s restaurant and then a Maurice’s Bar-B-Que location could be coming back to life.
Recently plans were announced to put a Starbuck’s and a Salsarita’s beside the property, after the City of West Columbia annexed it. A new Denny’s opened recently across the street, next to Waffle House.
While the information has not been verified regarding the old Quincey’s building, there is a possibility that a tenant is in the process of obtaining the property.
Other than the substantial interest in the building, no other details are available. But be on the lookout for a possible announcement in the future. As soon as westmetronews.net is able to confirm plans, it will be announced.
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