Modern Admin Professional offering “Create” workshops at Chamber
Tina Ormenisan -of Modern Admin Professional- is offering three Create Workshops for social media designs, event invites, and more. The first is at 9 a.m. on Tue, June 7. Two more follow on June 14 and 15.
The cost for the workshop is $32. Use early bird discount code “mapcreatejun” to claim your 15% discount through June 5th!
It’s at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center- 1006 12th Street- Cayce.
Click here to register
“Claim your seat now for my two hour Create Workshop,” Tina said as she announced the session. “Learn to create professional designs on a bootstrap budget” We’ll work with simple, user-friendly tools in this hands-on learning experience. The registration fee includes session materials and light refreshments.”