Mike Hutto and Danny Sipes donate time and machinery to clean up Lybrand Cemetery in West Columbia, help still needed
Two men, and some others, have volunteered to clean up Lybrand Cemetery on Delree Street in West Columbia. Mike Hutto and Danny Sipes have worked this spring to clear pathways and remove underbrush from the cemetery.
Cleaning up the cemetery has made acess to gravesites possible. West Columbia City Councilman Mike Green praised the efforts of Hutto and Snipes. He also asked others to consider a donation to fund the removal of debris from the cemetery.
Many families who have loved ones buried in the cemetery. Some have responded with contributions. More funds are needed to complete the clean up.
Below is a letter Councilman Mike Green wrote in support of the cemetery clean up. It also includes a link where donations can be made. All funds go directly to the clean-up. No one is paid.
Too often, we forget about the past, the deceased who paved the way for the American Dream we now enjoy. On behalf of the City of West Columbia, it gives me great pleasure to thank Mr. Mike Hutto of American Legion Post 79 for partnering with Mr. Danny Sipes both volunteered their time and efforts to restore dignity to a dilapidated cemetery in our community.
Even at 79, with hip surgery just a few months ago, Mike Hutto rigged up his earth-moving tractor to smooth cemetery walkways and driving paths so families and others who wish to pay respect can access the final resting place of those buried in Lybrand Cemetery.
Tax dollars are not spent on this endeavor and without the generosity of Mr. Hutto, this $7,000 project would have been stalled for many years. To honor his mother and fellow veterans who are buried at the cemetery, Mr. Hutto gave of his time and talents at no charge.
For his time and selfless contributions to the City of West Columbia, I hope you will consider a contribution to help us finish this important project and continue to honor those who have gone on before us.
As your member of the city council, this is a project I’ve been working on for three years. Our work is not done but we need your help, too.
If you want to make a donation there is a secure way for you to participate on the cemetery clean up Facebook page: Click here for link to donate
For additional information, please feel free to call West Columbia City Councilman Mike Green at 803-563-8085.