Memorial Day Service Held At Mt. Hermon

Mount Hermon Lutheran Church in West Columbia, held a Memorial Day service on Monday evening.
A couple of dozen veterans were recognized attending the service were asked to stand, and many church members, who are deceased were remembered.
Bill Shealy, 90 and a World War II veteran, was recognized as the oldest veteran at the service. He and his twin served in the Navy on the same ship. He was at Normandy. He is one of five brothers, and all served at Normandy. One of his brothers was killed jumping into Normandy, and another was shot. He was at the Memorial Day service with his son-in-law, Dave Greenbaum, also a veteran.
The Palmetto Mastersingers performed The National Anthem, Bring Him Home, God Bless America and many others.

There was a reception in the fellowship hall, after the service.