Man dressed as clown approaches Lexington kids, report says
From the Lexington Police Department:
Officers of the Lexington Police Department responded to a report of suspicious persons in a vehicle at an apartment complex which caused concern to residents.
At approximately 6 p.m. Monday, officers were dispatched to the Park North Apartments, which are located at 200 Brookhill West, in Lexington. There was a report that juveniles had seen a vehicle with a male driver dressed as a clown and a passenger dressed in a bear suit.
During the course of officers interviewing several witnesses, one juvenile reported seeing a man dressed as a clown who exited the vehicle and attempted to speak with them. Another juvenile witness nearby stated that the clown never exited the vehicle or spoke to the juveniles.
The vehicle was described as a gold or silver sport utility vehicle with no license plate. Though there were inconsistencies in the juveniles account of this incident, Lexington Police Chief Terrence Green would like the Town of Lexington community to know that complaints of this nature are taken seriously and fully investigated by officers.
Officers have increased patrols and will be present during bus pickup and drop off times at this apartment complex.
This is also a reminder for residents to be alert and watchful for suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities that should be followed up by law enforcement.
Witnesses are encouraged to report suspicious activity, take photographs, note descriptions of persons or vehicles, and to pay attention to the direction of travel if a vehicle leaves the area.
To report a suspicious person or vehicle, please contact at the Lexington Police Department at 803-359-6260 or if it is an emergency, please call 911