Looking for a Halloween Zombie display in West Columbia?
It’s a scary site that is fitting for Halloween.
A “Zombie Outbreak.” is at 1705 Redbird Lane in West Columbia.
Zombie Outbreak is more than 50 wood figures- that look like scary zombies.
They are fashioned after the characters on “The Walking Dead, said Jeff Matthews.
He is the artist who cut out and sketched the zombies. He said he had about 10 zombies last Halloween.
Matthews created the attraction because he wanted to draw more visitors to his, and his wife Candy’s home, on Halloween night. The display attracted about 30 trick-or-treaters in 2015, up from about two the year before.
This year, cars are already coming down the street at night to see the lighted display, this year.
To get so many zombies, Matthews began making them in late June. He said it takes about 30 minutes to cut out a zombie, and two hours to sketch one.
Matthews chose Zombies because he is a big fan of the AMC series “The Walking Dead.”
He also considered an alien crash site because Candy is a fan of the UFO phenomenon. And that is something he may do in the future, once the zombies become passe.
Matthews said he has done an “Angry Birds” display in the past. He also considered “Minions” but he did not want to have to worry about copyright issues.