Lexington’s AJ Blues sentenced for threats toward River Bluff High School students
Christopher Glen Raines (AKA “AJ Blues”) 43, of Lexington, pleaded guilty to the charge of Unlawful Communication, Tuesday. The plea was heard at the Town of Lexington Municipal Court, said Lexington Police Chief Terrence Green. Raines was sentenced to fifteen days at the Lexington County Detention Center.
The charge for Unlawful Communication stemmed from a series of threatening posts on Christopher Raines’s Facebook and Twitter pages along with numerous videos posted on his YouTube page between August 17, 2017 and September 17, 2017. During these postings Christopher Raines made verbal and written threats of violence against students who attend River Bluff High School, which is located on Corley Mill Road in Lexington.
During videos which were posted to YouTube, Christopher Raines videotaped himself in his yard with a bow and arrow using explosive arrowheads which are designed to use .357 or .38 Special ammunition. During these videos, Christopher Raines made reference to students being put into body bags.
Christopher Raines threats against students of River Bluff High School continued on September 17, 2017, when he stated “This week’s prediction: RBHS students killed this week while committing crimes on private property.” on both his Facebook and Twitter pages.
Christopher Raines was arrested on Sept. 18, and later released from the Lexington County Detention Center.
Christopher Raines had requested a jury trial with the Town of Lexington Municipal Court but then asked on Tuesday, to instead plead guilty with a consideration for a lesser sentence. Judge Brian Jeffcoat accepted his plea of guilt and he was sentenced to fifteen days instead of thirty days for the charge. He was transported to the Lexington County Detention Center to begin his sentence.