Lexington Two School District’s Performing Arts Center beginning to take shape
Work continues on the Lexington Two School District’s Performing Arts Center and District Office (L2PAC for short.) It’s on Platt Springs Road in Springdale.
The $60 million, state-of-the-art venue will offer a space for performances, special events, and district-wide occasions for all schools to use. It will include a two-level balcony with seating for roughly 1,550, as well as four meeting and event breakout spaces.
Upgraded systems in stage lighting and sound, along with dressing rooms, set storage and backstage areas, will ensure that the center is outfitted for a range of opportunities in dance, music, theater and more. There will be 600 parking spaces.
Ground was broken on the site in December of 2021 and construction is estimated to take two years. The L2PAC is the final project of the $225 million bond referendum approved by voters in 2014.