Lexington Town Council moves council elections to off years

Town of Lexington Council and Mayor.

Lexington Town Council has voted to move council elections to off years.

“Council voted unanimously to switch the elections to off years, so it does not conflict with statewide and presidential elections. The elections will be staggered every two years with the next election being in November 2021 for three seats, currently held by Councilman Carnes, Williams and Baker,” said Jennifer Dowden, Town of Lexington Media Coordinator.

The 6-0 vote for the change that in effect gives the current council another year to serve before running again, was last week. Mayor Pro Tem Hazel Livingston was not present for the vote.

Moving the elections to an off-year, council reasoned, will ease crowding and confusion that can result when ballots contain lots of offices and turnout is high.
As a result, council members will get an extra year tacked on to their staggered, 4-year terms.

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