Lexington Police target “Collision Prone” intersections, writing tickets to violators
Earlier this month, the Lexington Police Department began setting up enforcement saturation zones at “Collision Prone” Intersections in Lexington.
Police Chief Terrence Green said the enforcement campaign in May is focusing on intersections where collisions are most prevalent.
“Wrecks that happen within an intersection almost always start with a driver taking a risk or being distracted behind the wheel,” said Green. “With over 100,000 vehicles that pass through the Town of Lexington each day, we need drivers whose focus is on the road and who never take chances when yellow lights are changing to red.”
The LPD researched statistics and found that wrecks happen most frequently at seven intersections. Those are:
- · Augusta Road/US-1 at Cedarcrest Drive
- · North Lake Drive/SC-6 at Old Cherokee Road
- · Sunset Boulevard/US-378 at Corley Mill Road
- · Sunset Boulevard/US-378 at Hope Ferry Road
- · Sunset Boulevard/US-378 at Old Cherokee Road
- · West Main Street/US-1 at Park Road
- · West Main Street/US-1 at Church Street
Violations that officers are looking for include disregarding red lights, distracted driving, speeding, failing to yield the right of way when making a turn, and others.
So far the officers have worked Augusta Road (US-1) at Cedarcrest Drive, West Main Street (US-1) at Park Road, and Sunset Blvd (US-378) at Old Cherokee Road.
At those intersections, officers wrote fourteen citations for disregarding a traffic signal, one citation for an equipment violation, and two warnings.
The enforcement saturation project has also been stationed at North Lake Drive (SC-6) at Old Cherokee Road, Sunset Blvd. (US-378) at Old Cherokee Road, and Sunset Blvd. (US-378) at Hope Ferry Road.
At those spots officers made: made 27 traffic stops and wrote fifteen citations for disregarding a traffic signal, two citations for vehicle license violations, one citation for driving an uninsured vehicle, and also wrote eleven warnings for other violations.
Officers working in the area of Sunset Blvd (US-378) at Old Cherokee Road wrote eleven citations for disregarding a traffic signal, three citations for vehicle license violations, one citation for an equipment violation, and three warnings.
More information about this ongoing enforcement project focused on “collision prone” intersections can be found on our website
More information about this ongoing enforcement project focused on “collision prone” intersections can be found at: http://lexsc.com/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=98 and https://www.facebook.com/LexingtonPD