Lexington Medical Center, DHEC providing free Covid-19 tests in West Columbia, at Brookland Baptist, Tuesday

At the request of Senator Nikki Setzler and Rev. Dr. Charles B. Jackson Sr., Lexington Medical Center and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control are working together to provide free COVID-19 testing at Brookland Baptist Church, which is located at 1066 Sunset Boulevard in West Columbia, on Tuesday (June 16) from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The free testing is open to people who live in Cayce and West Columbia. Individuals do not need to have symptoms. No appointments are necessary.
Clinicians will administer the tests in a drive-thru format. Patients do not need to get out of their cars.
Testing for COVID-19 involves a nasopharyngeal swab, where a clinician places a special 6-inch cotton swab up both sides of the nose and rotates it around for about 15 seconds. DHEC is providing the test kits, which will go to third-party laboratories for processing.
Lexington Medical Center and DHEC are thankful for the support of the Midlands community throughout the coronavirus pandemic as they work to keep everyone healthy and safe.
Further questions about testing should be directed to DHEC at www.scdhec.gov or (803) 898-3432.