Lexington man charged with leaving baby in car while car serviced

A Lexington man is charged with unlawful conduct toward a child for leaving a baby inside a car he dropped off to be serviced.

Ca Mvuh, 48, left his eight-month-old daughter strapped in her car seat Sunday afternoon when he exited his car and handed the keys to a technician at the tire and lube center of the Walmart in Red Bank, according to deputies.

“We estimate the baby was in the parked car for about 90 minutes before a store employee discovered her,” Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon said. “It was a blistering hot July day with temperatures, according to the National Weather Service, in the mid to upper 90s. We’re very glad to hear this child is going to be fine.”

Koon said Lexington County EMTs evaluated the child at the store but did not transport her. Mvuh had been shopping in the Walmart and returned to the tire and lube center after the child was out of the car and receiving medical attention, according to investigators.

Mvuh is being held in the Lexington County Detention Center while he awaits a bond hearing.

Under South Carolina law, unlawful conduct toward a child is punishable by a fine at the discretion of the court and up to 10 years in prison, or both.

Photo: Ca Mvuh (LCDC Photo) 

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