Lexington man charged after infant daughter injured

 Lexington County deputies have arrested a man accused of severely injuring his 2-month-old child.

James McQueen Boltin Jr.

James McQueen Boltin Jr., 25, is charged with inflicting great bodily injury upon a child, according to an arrest warrant.

“Detectives have talked with health care providers, caretakers and family members as part of their investigation,” Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon said. “Based on the information they’ve gathered, Boltin was feeding his baby in early November when he hurt her, causing the baby to go into cardiac arrest. The child was eventually transported to the hospital.”

Doctors found multiple brain, spinal and rib injuries along with other trauma, according to Koon.

Deputies arrested Boltin Tuesday afternoon. He’s being held in the Lexington County Detention Center.

Inflicting great bodily injury upon a child is a felony. The charge carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.

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