Lexington County to get $4.2 million in gas tax money for roads

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) announced, Wednesday, the awarding of nearly $39 million in contracts for another 100 road resurfacing and rehabilitation projects totaling 72 miles in nine counties across the state.
Included is $9.3 in gas tax funds for Lexington County roads, and two other counties. Midlands Counties- Lexington, Kershaw, and Lancaster will get just over 32 miles resurfaced on 44 roads. The first projects in Lexington County to be funded by the Roads Bill are on the list. It’s 13 miles of work on 25 roads for $4.2 million.
Lexington County roads included: 6th Street, Bower Parkway, Burnham Street, Danwood Drive, Farmdale Drive, Fernandina Drive, Garden Valley Lane, Gibson Road, Innsbruck Drive, Kingsbridge Road, Maxie Road, Misty Lane, N Parson Street, Nature Lane, Old Chapin, Old Cherokee Road, Parson Street, Power Point Lane, RB Baker Drive, Radio Lane, Resting Place Point, S Lawrence Avenue, Saturn Parkway, Wall Street, Weed Drive.
These statewide projects reflect funding from a variety of sources including: federal funds, Roads Bill funding and funding provided by the General Assembly to the local County Transportation Committees (CTCs.) But the projects noted for Lexington, Colleton and Dorchester counties, which total $9.3 million, are specifically enabled by the funding associated with the Roads Bill.