Lexington County posts list of closings
County of Lexington Government Office Closures
Due to the recent rain event, poor road conditions and road closures in Lexington County, the following facility closings and garbage collection schedule adjustments are necessary:
All County of Lexington Government Offices will be closed Monday, Oct. 5. This includes the following offices:
- County Libraries
- Lexington County Recreations and Aging Commission Offices and Activities
- County Judicial Facilities
· County Administration offices
· Lexington County Judicial Center
· Lexington County Magistrate Courts
· Solid Waste Collection & Recycling Centers
· Lexington County Landfill & Solid Waste Administrative Offices
Bond Court:
Court will operate from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. depending on road conditions.
Curbside Solid Waste Collection:
No Franchise Residential Solid Waste Curbside Collection service will be provided on Monday, Oct. 5 in the unincorporated areas of Lexington County. Service may resume on Tuesday, Oct. 6 and will run on an adjusted pickup schedule for the rest of the week.
Advanced Disposal Customers: Collections normally scheduled for Monday will be made on Tuesday, Tuesday will move to Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday, Thursday to Friday and Friday to Saturday.
Waste Industries Customers: Collections normally scheduled for Monday will be made on Tuesday, Tuesday will move to Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday, Thursday to Friday and Friday to Saturday.
Waste Industries Advanced Disposal
(Phone) 803-935-0249 (Phone) 803-256-7276
This does not apply to the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department, which will be operating on a normal schedule.
All Lexington County school districts have canceled classes for Monday, Oct. 5.