Lexington County offices closed rest of the week
The Lexington County Department of Public Safety and Emergency Management has moved into OPCON 3 level, which is a partial to full activation of the County’s Emergency Operation Center, ahead of Hurricane Matthew.
The County’s Public Safety and Emergency Management team will conduct pre-evacuation conferences, preparations to open local shelters and other preparatory activities. Lexington County school districts will be closed beginning Wednesday, Oct. 5, through Friday, Oct. 7.
Gov. Nikki Haley declared a State of Emergency in South Carolina as the storm develops in the Caribbean. During a State of Emergency, the Governor has the authority to close local government offices, and Gov. Haley has executed that right. Therefore, all Lexington County government offices, this includes administrative offices and County recycling centers, be closed Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016, through Friday, Oct. 7, 2016.
This will include the following offices:
- County Libraries
- Lexington County Recreations and Aging Commission Offices and Activities
- County Judicial Facilities
· County Administration offices
· Lexington County Judicial Center
· Lexington County Magistrate Courts
· Solid Waste Collection & Recycling Centers
· Lexington County Landfill & Solid Waste Administrative Offices
· All Lexington County school districts
Bond Court:
Court will operate from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Curbside Solid Waste Collection:
Franchise Residential Solid Waste Curbside Collection service will be provided by Advanced Disposal and Waste Industries on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016, and will continue normal operations until otherwise determined. The Lexington County landfill will only be open for commercial use, which includes curbside collection companies.
Waste Industries Advanced Disposal
(Phone) 803-935-0249 (Phone) 803-256-7276
County officials are preparing to receive evacuees from the coast. Residents can expect severe roadway congestion throughout the Midlands and are encouraged to stay off of the roadways when possible.
National Weather Service reports indicate that Hurricane Matthew will affect Lexington County. Lexington County Public Safety is asking residents to monitor the storm and to plan ahead. The storm is predicted to bring hurricane-force gusts of wind, which could knock down power lines, trees and tree branches and cause damage to structures. Heavy rains generated from the storm could cause flooding in low-lying areas.
Lexington County’s 911 Dispatch Center, Fire Service and Emergency Medical Services are continuing normal operations throughout the week ahead of the storm. They are ready, along with other county municipalities, to respond as necessary.
We urge that residents never drive, or walk, through flood waters. Remember that flooding can disrupt electricity and the drinking water supply. Flood waters can also carry hazardous materials that can endanger health, either upon contact with the water itself, or with the soggy debris left after potential flooding.
People in potentially vulnerable areas should review personal and family safety plans. Detailed emergency information can be found in the 2016 S.C. Hurricane Guide, which is currently available at all Walgreen’s stores statewide, at all rest areas along interstates and available for download at www.scemd.org.
Residents are urged to also monitor the County’s website (lex-co.sc.gov) and social media channels (Twitter: @CountyLex; Facebook: County of Lexington) updated County information throughout the storm.