Lexington County GOP censures Lexington-Richland 5 School Board Chairwoman Rebecca Blackburn Hines and honors former River Bluff High School teacher Susan Horton
During the Monday, July 10, Lexington County GOP executive committee meeting, Lexington-Richland School District Five Board Chairwoman Rebecca Blackburn Hines was censured for failing to uphold the County and State Republican Party policies opposing Critical Race Theory Instruction in schools. Blackburn Hines is a longstanding county party member who serves as her precinct president.
The issue stems from an incident in early February of 2023 where a Chapin High School teacher was ordered to cease teaching materials which violated South Carolina Budget Proviso 1.93.
Blackburn Hines was deemed to have failed to attempt to enact policy or attempt to enact disciplinary actions. Blackburn Hines declined to take action after many requests from board trustees, parents and other community members.
Lexington County Republican Party Chairwoman Pamela Godwin said “the amount of involved GOP members within District Five who wanted to take action with Chairwoman Blackburn Hines was enormous and the executive committee took action.” She added that “our county party doesn’t stand aside for long before they take action.”
In addition to the censure, the party passed a resolution to ensure more transparent elections. They passed a resolution to move solely to paper ballots and limit voting to Election Day.
St. Michaels Precinct Committeewoman Laura Scharr, also from SC Safe Elections, presented the resolution to the body.
“We are making strides to enhance accountability, accuracy and auditability of elections in our state. We are responding to what the people want and the people want paper,” said Scharr
The party also honored former River Bluff High School teacher Susan Horton. Horton currently serves as the Technology Coordinator for the Lexington GOP and is very involved in the community. All three actions were passed unanimously.
The Lexington County Republican Party meets every first Monday of the month unless otherwise noted. Events, news and more info can be found at lexingtonrepublicans.com.