Lexington County deputies charge man with catalytic converter theft
Lexington County deputies have charged a Columbia man in connection with the weekend theft of three catalytic converters.

Ajee Piedra Jimenez, 27, is charged with unlawful transport of nonferrous metals, transportation of stolen nonferrous metals and possessing tools capable of being used in a crime, according to arrest warrants.
“Deputies encountered Jimenez on Spool Wheel Road in the Gilbert area Sunday,” Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon said. “They found three catalytic converters in his car and Jimenez had no bills of sale associated with the catalytic converters.”
Jimenez also had a saw and a tool commonly used to remove catalytic converters in his car, according to Koon.
Deputies arrested him on the scene and transported him to the Lexington County Detention Center.
Jimenez has been released after meeting the conditions of his bond.