Lexington County Coroner releases name of woman killed in collision with dump truck
Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has released the identity of the person who was killed in an
SUV vs. Dump Truck collision Tuesday at approximately 11:45 a.m. The collision occurred in the
1600 block of Amick’s Ferry Road in Chapin which is located in Lexington County.
According to Coroner Fisher, Mrs. Sarah Taylor Galloway, 41, of Chapin was traveling west bound in the
1600 block of Amick’s Ferry Road when the SUV she was operating crossed left of the center line and
collided with a dump truck head on, which was traveling east.
Mrs. Galloway was pronounced dead at the scene from the injuries she sustained in the collision. The driver of the dump truck was not injured.
Both Mrs. Galloway and the driver of the dump truck were wearing their seatbelts at the time of the
The South Carolina Highway Patrol as well as the Lexington County Coroner’s Office will continue to
investigate this incident.