Lexington County Coroner identifies man who died in Monday morning crash
Lexington County Coroner, Margaret Fisher, has identified the individual who died in a
single-vehicle collision in the 4000 block of Two Notch Road in the Gilbert area of Lexington
County at approximately 7 a.m. on Monday.
According to Coroner Fisher, Mr. Walter F. Westmoreland, 71, of Gilbert was traveling
westbound on Two Notch Road when his vehicle traveled right off the roadway,
overcorrected, leaving the left side of the roadway and overturning. Mr. Westmoreland, who
was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident, was pronounced dead at the scene.
An autopsy was conducted on Monday with the results of the autopsy pending at this
The South Carolina Highway Patrol and the Lexington County Coroner’s Office continue to
investigate the incident.