Lexington 2 will present a public graduation ceremony

From Dawn Kujawa – Lexington 2 Communications Director – Lexington Two has taken the flexibility granted by the governor for “alternative and innovative high school graduation ceremonies” to create a very public celebration worthy of this special group of 2020 seniors.
Lexington Two will offer virtual graduation events for each of our high schools, Airport and Brookland-Cayce. The district will set up graduation stages at school stadiums, as is done every year. Seniors have scheduled individual appointments to come back to the stadiums in early May. A professional photographer/videographer will get images in front of the stage of each student, in full cap and gown with diploma cover, along with his/her parents and the school principal. In a typical year, professional photos are taken only of individual graduates after they’ve crossed the stage, so this will be a special keepsake for district families.
The district plans to pre-record brief speeches from each school’s valedictorian, salutatorian, principal and other selected speakers, as well as from the district superintendent and board chair. All of the photos and videos will be used to create graduation presentations for each school. Each senior will receive a program and a copy of the graduation presentation for his/her school.
Among the ways the district will share the graduation presentation:
- Both presentations will air from 5-7 p.m. on Saturday, June 6, on television on WACH-Fox 57. Each school’s event will run approximately one hour.
- The ceremonies also will be streaming/airing on STIRR, a free TV app, just to make sure anyone, anywhere will have the opportunity to watch them.
- The graduation presentations will be posted on the district’s YouTube channel after the airing.
- Stories and links to the graduation presentations will be shared on our Lexington Two, Airport and Brookland-Cayce High websites and social media.
In addition to the presentations, the district will recognize members of the Class of 2020 in other ways. Among them:
- The district will deliver Class of 2020 yard signs to seniors in coming days for use at their residences.
- The district will have congratulatory billboards and ads saluting the Class of 2020.
- The district will post messages on digital school signs.
- All Class of 2020 members will receive t-shirts, customized to their high schools.
- The district will highlight some individual members of the Class of 2020 throughout the month of May on district social media. Information will be compiled into stories for district and high school websites.
Lexington Two looks forward to the very public sendoff planned for our members of the Class of 2020.