Lexington 2 to elect school board officers Thursday

The Board of Trustees of Lexington School District Two will conduct their Regular Monthly Meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday (Nov. 21) in the Board Room of the District Education Center, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia.
The election of school board officers is on the agenda. Alson on the agenda is recognition of Kayla Ezzelle, 7 th Grade Student from Busbee Creative
Arts Academy, as the Winner of the National School Boards
Association’s 2019 Christmas Card Design Contest.
Notices and Agendas are also posted on the District’s website, www.lex2.org / Board of Trustees / Board Meetings / Agenda.
Prior to the regular meeting, the Board of Trustees and Administration will host a reception at 6:15 p.m. in the Lobby of the District Education Center for the 2019 Teachers of the Year.
For more information, contact the Office of the Superintendent at 739-8399.