Lexington 2 students, teachers go to work for flood victims

From Kay Joseph, Lexington School District 2
As employees in Lexington District Two returned to work Friday, the emphasis was not on our students’ academic success, but their well being. Across the District today, school administration and office staff called to check on the status of our students and their families.
Faculty and support staff members joined together and packed care packages and meals that they later delivered. Some of our employees were not able to make it to work Friday because they live in areas that were heavily impacted by the flood; their co-workers made plans to assist them as well.
District 2 employees began responding as early as Monday, when they began learning of students who had to relocate due to the flood. Items were collected immediately for a family who lost everything. Also, because so many of our students depend on a daily nutritious meals, our schools partnered with several area churches to prepare meals and delivered them to several neighborhoods in need.

Many District employees reached out and volunteered through their church and Lexington Interfaith Community Services (LICS) to collect and sort clothes and supplies that will be delivered to families within and outside of our school district. Several schools responded by preparing meals and snack packages for our first responders and work crews that were here to help in the hardest hit areas. Many of our students also worked along side our employees to collect donations and serve meals.