Lexington 2 students present “Stellaluna”
The Elementary Gifted and Talented Theatre of Lexington School District Two presented Stellaluna, Thursday at the school. Stellaluna, a story of a bat in a world of birds, is based on the book by Janell Cannon and adopted by Stephanie Walker, SRAA Theatre teacher.
Members of the cast are: Addison Allen: Callie Grace Burgess: Londyn Counch; Brooke Davis; Olivia Geddings; Ava Harman; Ella Harman; Joshua Koon; Riley Myers; Belle O’Neal; Kyra Pichardo; Belladonna Stofiel; David Ross Summers; Madison Taylor; Karley Thomas; Bella Wandover; and Tiffany Williams.
The presenters gave special thanks to: Tonya Fryer, SRAA Principal and Asst. Principal Dr. Travis Keller. Marcella Heyward-Evans, Kathy Jurick; Mrs. Stoffiel; Bernadette Morgan; The Boys and Girls Club; SRAA Custodial Staff; and all families and friends of the students for your support. Click on images below to enlarge: