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Lexington 2 schools will move to video, stay-at-home, eLearning classes on Tuesday

Due to forecasts of inclement weather, and in an abundance of caution, Lexington Two schools will move to an eLearning day on Tuesday, January 9. eLearning are classes conducted via electronic media, on the internet.

All afternoon and evening activities are canceled for Tuesday, including athletic events, extracurricular activities, after-school programs and adult education classes. 

Monday’s school day, as well as activities and programs, will continue as scheduled.

The decision for an eLearning day was made after consulting with local, county, and state officials. The latest National Weather Service forecasts cite the potential for strong storms as well as high winds, including gusts to 40 mph or higher, which can produce travel conditions that would exceed safe school bus operation guidelines.

The district will continue to monitor weather conditions and will communicate with Lexington Two stakeholders through its channels and local media, should any further schedule updates be necessary. 

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