Lexington 2 School Board to meet meet Aug. 4,
The Board of Trustees of Lexington County School District Two will meet in special session beginning at 6 p.m. on Thursday (Aug. 4) in the Board Room of the District Education Center, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia.
The proposed Agenda is below. You can alson find the agenda online: Agendas/Notices may also be accessed via the District’s website, www.lex2.org /Board of Trustees / Board Meetings.
Please call the office of the Superintendent at 739-8399, if you have questions.
Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees
6:00 p.m., Thursday, August 4, 2016
Board Room, District Education Center
I. Call to Order Chairman
II. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Vice-Chair
III. Consent Agenda: Chairman
B. Approval of the Minutes from the June 16, 2016, Budget Hearing
and Regular Board Meeting
A. Approval of Revisions to the 2016/17 Calendar Superintendent
VI. Back-to- School Update:
A. Enrollment / Staffing Chief Instructional Officer/
VII. Executive Session: Chairman
A. Consideration of Personnel Appointments and Resignations
B. Discussion of Property Matters
C. Consideration of a Request for Out-of- District Tuition Installment Payments
D. Consideration of a Request for Out-of- District Tuition Reduction
VIII. Open Session/Action on Executive Session Items Chairman
IX. Announcements: Chairman
A August 11, 2016, Teachers Return
B. August 18, 2016, First Day of School
C. 7:00 p.m., August 18, 2016, Regular Monthly Board Meeting
X. Adjournment Chairman
Director of Student Services