Lexington 2 returns to 5-day in-person instruction beginning Tuesday
Lexington Two will return to five-day face-to-face instruction on Tuesday
From Dawn Kujawa, Lexington Two Communications Director – Lexington Two will return to five-day face-to-face instruction on Tuesday (Jan. 19) following Monday’s MLK holiday. (Photo from Riverbank Elementary Twitter page)
This shift in instruction follows a two-week remote learning period after winter break, aimed at slowing exposure of students and staff to COVID-19. Prior to winter break, the district was operating with five-day face-to-face instruction. The shift in instruction does not affection Virtual Academy students.
Athletics, clubs, activities, and/or events will resume with the return of students to campus. These can resume as early as Saturday, January 16.
Lexington Two will continue daily monitoring of data and guidance from district, local, and state resources. Should schools experience significant case increases among students and/or staff that present challenges to safe school operations, the district will make necessary adjustments.