Lexington 2 reception, School Board meeting, Tuesday

Meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, (Oct. 27) in the Board Room of the District Education Center, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia. The proposed Agenda (posted below) is also posted on the District’s website, www.lex2.org / Board of Trustees / Board Meetings / Agenda.
I. Call to Order Chairman
II. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: Vice-Chair
Led by students from Airport High School
III. Consent Agenda: Chairman
B. Approval of Minutes from the September 17 and October 15,
IV. Public Participation Period Director of Student Services/
V. Report on Honors and Accomplishments of Students and Staff: Superintendent
A. Recognition of Airport and Brookland-Cayce High School
B. Recognition of Lexington Two Principals for National
C. Recognition of B-C Grammar School No. 1 for Receiving
Students for Achieving Platinum Credentials on WorkKeys
Notification of a SCASA Palmetto’s Finest Visit
A. Consideration of Approval of the TIF Agreement with the Chairman
B. Consideration of Amendments to Board Policy DIB, Types of Superintendent
C. Consideration of Make-up Days Superintendent
D. Consideration of Request for Overnight or Out-of-State Director of Student Services/
Student Travel: Instructional Support
1. Brookland-Cayce High School Chorus Students (RATIFY)
SCACDA Honors Choir, October 22 – 24, 2015, Southern Wesleyan University, Anderson, SC
2. Airport High School JROTC Drill Team
Best of the Best 4th Brigade Drill Team Competition, February 12 – 13, 2016, Hickory, NC
3. Brookland-Cayce High School International Thespian Society Theatre Troupe
Palmetto Dramatic Association Festival, February 19 – 21, 2016, Dorman High School, Spartanburg, SC
4. Airport High School Student Government Students
SCASC State Convention, March 11-13, 2016, Riverside High School, Greer, SC
5. Airport High School JROTC Drill Team
Army National Drill Championship 2015, April 8 – 10, 2016, Louisville, KY
6. Airport High School JROTC Drill Team
National Drill Team Championship, April 29-May 4, 2015, Daytona Beach, FL
E. Discussion of the Possibility of Live-Streaming of Board Superintendent
A. Superintendent: Superintendent
1. Introduction of Key Performance Indicators
B. Instruction: Chief Instructional Officer
1. Academic Results from 2014/15
1. Monthly Financial Reports Chief Financial Officer
2. a. Sole Source, Emergency and Trade-In Transactions;
b. Minority Business Utilization
D. Administration and Student Services:
1. Monthly Facilities Update Chief Operations Officer
2. Student Athlete Drug Testing Report Director of Student Services/
E. Human Resources: Chief Human Resource Officer
IX. Executive Session: Chairman
A. Consideration of Personnel Appointments and Resignations
B. Consideration of a Contractual Matter with Regard to
X. Open Session: Chairman
XI. Announcements: Chairman
6:15 p.m., Thursday, November 19, 2015, Lobby, District Education Center
Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Trustees
7:00 p.m., Thursday, November 19, 2015, Board Room, District Education
and Annual Business Meeting / Delegate Assembly
December 4 – 6, 2015, Sonesta Resort, Hilton Head, SC
XII. Adjournment Chairman