Lexington 2 Kindergarten, first-grade Registration begins Jan. 25
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Attention Parents/Guardians of: Rising 4K, 5K, and 1st grade students

Registration for the 2017-2018 School-year begins Jan. 25.
You MUST have the following information at the time of registration:
· Child’s Birth Certificate (long form required)
· Child’s Immunization Certificate
· Two Proofs of residence (one utility bill and a lease/mortgage)
· Proof of income for full-day 4K only
(acceptable forms of proof-child’s Medicaid card, parent/guardian’s pay stub or
income tax information)
You must register at the school serving the attendance zone in which you live.
1. Child must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2017.
2. Family Income MUST meet Federal Free & Reduced Lunch Guidelines for full-day 4K programs only.
4K Screenings will take place in May and June
Space is limited