Lexington 2 Board to meet Tuesday

The Board of Trustees of Lexington County School District Two will meet in special session at 7:30 pm, on Tuesday, January 31, in the, Board Room of the District Education Center, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia, SC. A proposed Agenda is below.
Notices and Agendas are also posted on the District’s website, www.lex2.org / Board of Trustees / Board Meetings / Agenda.
1. Call to Order Chairman
2. Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance Vice-Chairman
3. Consent Agenda: Chairman
A. Approval of Agenda
4. Airport High School Building Program Update Chief Operations Officer
5. Telephone, Paging, and Data Drop Contract Chief Operations Officer Recommendation
6. Consideration of Additional Camera Wiring to Chief Operations Officer Existing Analog Cameras
7. Discussion of Administrative Salary Range Policy Superintendent
8. Executive Session for Discussion of a Personnel Matter
9. Open Session
A. Action on Executive Session Items
10. Announcements: Chairman
Brookland-Cayce High School Education Foundation Annual Gala Educator Hall of Fame Induction 6:00 p.m., Social Hour; 6:45 – 8 pm, Reception Thursday, February 2, 2017, Seawell’s
Lexington Two Teacher Recruitment Fair. 8:30 – 11 a.m., February 4, 2017 Brookland-Cayce High School Cafeteria
SCSBA 2017 Annual Convention February 16 – 19, Marriott, Hilton Head
11. Adjournment