Lexington 2 announces Junior Scholars for 2015-16
Lexington School District 2 has released its list of 2015-2016 Junior Scholars
The South Carolina Junior Scholars Program was developed by the South Carolina Department of Education to identify eighth grade students with exceptional academic talent and to develop strategies for inclusion into special programs.
The Junior Scholars are:
Busbee Center Academy for the Arts
Paw Der
Fulmer Middle School
Byron Breton Jimenez
Nicholas Noah
Novean Singletary
Tyson Smith
Northside Middle School
Jacob Blalock
Alexander Bull
Brandon Cassidy
Joe Castles
Daniel Coble
Nathan Corley
Jacob Hewitt
Bode Hooker
Ma’Liah Maddox
Mitchell Stevens
Edward Welch
Pine Ridge Middle School
Rose Branton
Katie Kyzer
Samuel LaFrage
Emely Sandoval Hernandez
Williams Simms
Liana Wiley