Large crowd comes out for West Columbia Fall Back Fest

West Columbia’s State Street was filled with music and art, Friday, for the 4th Annual Fall Back Fest.
“It’s wonderful to see all these people,” said West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton. “All parts of the community are represented. There are single people, some are on a date, and there are families. They are all here and it’s free.”
Artists painted murals on the street and the band, Prettier Than Matt provided the music. Businesses on State Street offered specials for the event in conjunction with the November State Street Art Crawl. The Meeting Street Artisan Market was also open for a special night edition to kick off the holiday shopping season.
West Columbia City Administrator Brian Carter said he was thankful for the great weather and the ease of access.
“We have the parking garage open (on the first level of the Brookland complex) and the parking lot in the Interactive Art Park behind Terra is full,” said Carter. “It’s a very successful event.”