Investigators identify boat drivers in crash that killed 2

The S.C. Department of Natural Resources identified the driver of the 32-foot Intrepid power boat that ran over the top of a 16-foot bass boat on Lake Murray, Friday night.
The accident resulted in the deaths of Mark Daniel “Danny” Phillips, 37, of Columbia and Christopher Shawn Lanier, 28, of Blythewood.
Link to earlier report on the fatal crash
Bruce Dyer was operating the 32-foot boat, said Capt. Robert McCullough of the S.C. DNR. No more information was given.
Phillips was driving the bass boat, McCullough said Monday morning.
The crash happened just after 11 p.m. Friday near Dreher Island.
McCullough also said DNR is still investigating. He said DNR investigators are waiting on reports before saying any more about the incident. He said he could not say if any charges would be filed, or not.